Dr. Willis Newman, Esmeralda Newman, bible-teaching-about.com

Bible teaching on work of angels

The Bible teaching about the work of angels leads us into a mysterious world of heavy duty action. I have in mind the good creatures. Later I will examine the bad hombres. In another place I established their existence, (link) so I continue the saga here. 

Have you ever wondered what they do? In this study I will take you behind doors closed to human eyes, and show you seven astonishing phases of the work of angels: their job description. Their work is personal, powerful, perplexing – and widespread. Come with me. I’ll show you.

Unique Relationship To God

Part of the work of angels is based upon the fact that these Good angels are called holy and elect, and their eternal dwelling place is in heaven (Matthew 25:31; 28:2; 1 Timothy 5:21; Luke 2:15). In their intimate relationship to God, they enter His presence to receive instruction and commands. Their work is that they work!

They were joyful during creation, and one of their occupations is to exalt and praise God. In the past, God used them to give His divine revelation to humanity.

The work of angels can be seen in many ways, but their most extensive usage is as God’s servants eager to carry out His orders. They are fascinated at watching God’s unfolding drama of salvation, and actually rejoice when sinners accept Christ as Savior. (See Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Psalm 29:1, 2; 103:20, 21; 104:4; Genesis 13:19; 1 Peter 1:12; Luke 15:10).

Special Ministry to Christ

The Bible teaching about the work of angels vividly displays a special ministry to Jesus Christ. They announced Christ’s birth, guided and warned Christ’s parents, strengthened Him in His temptation and crisis, proclaimed and helped in His resurrection, predicted and will proclaim His second coming.

The work of angels also includes praise and worship Christ when He brings judgment on the world during the Tribulation. (See Hebrews 2:7; Colossians 1:15, 16; Philippians 2:9, 11; Hebrews 1:6; 1 Peter 3:22; Luke 2:10-15; Matthew 2:13; 4:11; Luke 22:43; Matthew 28:2-6; Acts 1:10, 11; Revelation 5:11, 12).

Ministry to Christians

The work of angels includes ministry to Christians in a wide and wonderful way. They watch over and protect us. 

The Bible teaching about their efforts says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (Psalm 34:7; cf. Psalm 91:11).

Another example is when Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac, he told him that God would send an angel ahead to find the right woman (Genesis 24:7; cf. Genesis 22:12, 15; 19:1-15; 28:12). 

God sent His heavenly messengers to guide His people, Israel, help Elijah, deliver His own from the fiery, hot furnace and Daniel from the sharp, tearing teeth of lions (Exodus 14:19; 1 Kings 19:5; Daniel 3:28; 7:22). 

Guardian Protectors

What about guardian angels assigned to people? What do you think? Do they exist? I think yes. Christ declared that these special protectors of little children have access to God (Matthew 18:10). The New Testament says they are ministering spirits sent to help the people of God (Hebrews 1:14). 

In a very dramatic delivery, these powerful creatures freed the apostles and Peter from prison, and encouraged Paul in his fears (Acts 5:19; 12:5-7; 27:23, 24). Many times believers have experienced unusual deliverances from fear and danger, and received boldness and confidence in ways too difficult to explain on a natural basis. 

The Bible even says that many have entertained these ministering spirits and was not aware of it (Hebrews 13:2). It is very comforting and assuring to know of the work of wonderful creatures in our lives. 

Angels Present in Churches

The Bible teaching about the work of angels in the church makes me a little nervous! Does it you? Paul writes, “Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels” (1 Corinthians 11:10; cf. Revelation 1:20; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14; 1 Timothy 5:21; 2 Peter 2:10, 11).

The dangerous downside is that evil angels are also present to interfere, cause conflict, or even doctrinal error (2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:3, 13-15; Ephesians 1:21; 2:2; 6:11, 12). It appears, then, that churches have good ones that among other duties, serve as God’s observing inspectors. In addition, there are evil ones deviously trying to subvert and derail churches (cf. Galatians 1:8). 

I may sound preachy, but don’t you think these facts about the work of angels should impress us, and motivate us to behave better since we are like actors on a stage being observed and influenced by very powerful forces that we don’t fully understand? God cares about and the heavenly messengers report our actions and attitudes within the church family, and the way we handle the Bible in our ministry.

Instruments of Punishment

The Bible teaching about the work of angels tells us that God uses these agents to punish those who oppose His

will. For example, they blinded the wicked men of Sodom (Genesis 19:1, 11). When Herod Agrippa was lifted up in pride and 

accepted the worship of people, and angel struck Herod dead by filling him with maggots (Acts 12:23).

Christ declared that these commanding beings would be the reapers in the final judgment (Matthew 12:39). They even will pour out God’s wrath during the Great Tribulation as well as bind and imprison Satan (Revelation 16:1; 19:17, 18; 20:1, 2).

Just to gain a hint of the massive power of these celestial representatives, recall the Old Testament event when King Sennacherib of Assyria sought to capture Jerusalem from King Hezekiah. God sent the angel to devastate the Assyrian military camp by destroying 185,000 armed soldiers in one night (2 Kings 19:35). Incredible power! 

Angels Shape History

Regarding the work of angels, Daniel reveals their guardianship over nations (Daniel 4:17, 23). They are the workers of God who implement God’s dealings with the nations through the drama of world history. 

One such messenger unveiled future history to Daniel, and spoke about evil angelic rulers over each nation – in particular, Greece and Medo-Persia. Michael was appointed as a special protector of Israel (Daniel 10:12, 13, 21-11:3). 

The violent conflicts between good and evil angels determine the history of nations. The great wars of the centuries with their bloodshed, heartache and tragedy were being waged in the heavenlies while being played out on this earth. 

As a final thought, our comfort comes from knowing Christians are on the winning side. Jesus said He could call on 10,000 angels for His defense, and the armies of Heaven will follow Him to earth at His future return (Matthew 26:53; Revelation 19:14). I take comfort in this. Don’t you?

Look at it this way. If one angel can take out 185,000 soldiers, think how many 10,000 could take out. Do the math! With this brief look at the somber, awesome events that swirl around us in the spiritual world, Esmie and I urge you to be encouraged by your secure position in Christ. We wish you all the best as you work out in real time the script God has designed for you in this life. 

Dr. Willis and Esmie Newman


1. Explain some of the ways angels relate to God. What, where, why, when, how?

2. Read Psalm 103:20, 21. What do these verses tell about the work of these heavenly creatures?

3. What does Luke 15:10; 16:22 tell you about the work of God’s messengers?

4. What does Psalm 34:7 tell you these powerful agents?

5. Study Hebrews 1:5-14. List the things you learn about these magnificent living creatures from this section of Holy Scripture.

6. Read Hebrews 1:14 and 13:2. Analyze these verses and write down your conclusions. 

7. Study 2 Kings 19:32-37. In fact, you might want to read the whole story, and also the 

version in Isaiah 37:33-38. What do these verses tell you about the interaction of God, angels and world events?

8. Have you ever had any experience with angels? If so, how do you know?

9. Read Matthew 25: 31-46. Note especially verses 41 and 46. What does this suggest about Satan, evil angels, and those outside of Christ?

10. What stands out to you the most in this Bible study? Explain.

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