Dr. Willis Newman, Esmeralda Newman, bible-teaching-about.com
Do you desire a peaceful mind? You can have one. Really, a mind full of turmoil, guilt, fear, hatred, insecurity, and regrets isn’t a happy thing to pack around with you. It robs you of sleep, creativity, and makes life downright sour. Here is a two step tool that will help you have a peaceful mind. It won’t take all your problems away, but it will help clear your churning mind and enlist the help of God so you can find good solutions to your thorny trials.
First, to gain a peaceful mind, you need to flush your mind. I don’t mean to become mindless, but rather to empty out all your tribulations to God. The Apostle Peter wrote, “casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). You can do this by prayer. Just take a few minutes, maybe before you go to bed every night, and tell all your problems to God in a humble attitude of thanksgiving and faith. Another way is to write out all your troubles on a piece of paper, and then pray them to God.
I do this exercise often, and it gives me emotional relief, a new perspective on my troubles, and it shows me how irrational and illogical some of my thoughts truly are. Many times by the time I am done, the solution to the trouble that is gnawing away at my mind becomes clear.
The second step is to fill up your mind with peaceful and positive thoughts. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things” (Philippians 7:8).
I remember that years ago I read a book by a famous Methodist pastor. He said that his main prescription to those who pace the floor with worry was to have them write out the 23rd Psalm, and repeat it several times a day. The results were amazing!
This exercise will give you thoughts of confidence, faith, hope, and clear away the negative, cluttered debris in your mind. Your focus can become shape and clear. Your problem solving skills can have a clean room in your mind to operate more efficiently.
It is like getting away from the tangle and turmoil of downtown Manila, and sprawling out on a hammock while relaxing on the warm sandy beach and gazing over the peaceful waters at Subic Bay. You can have peace of mind, because remember that God cares for you.
Dr. Newman teaches at Faith Evangelical Seminary, Tacoma. He and his wife, Esmie, have their website, www.Bible-teaching-about.com. It includes an online Bible academy, free Bible studies, affordable ebooks, and you can send in any Bible questions you have. Scripture from the New American Standard Bible, © the Lockman Foundation, 1960-73, used by permission.
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